Banos Rotary Club History
C. of C. Directors Talk Decorations
At a directors' meeting of the Los Banos Chamber of Commerce Monday evening plans were made for the decoration of the local business district during the coming Christmas season. A tentative budget of $1,450.00 was approved, of which $350.00 is allotted for new strings of lights; $500.00 for labor; and $600.00 for the purchase of new materials with which to extend the decorative scheme along Sixth street to Pacheco highway, and provide additional decorations at the various highway entrances to the city.
Last year the Chamber of Commerce spent $2,400.00 on Christmas decorations, a large portion of which was for new materials that have been carefully preserved and will be used again this year.
The directors approved plans to enter a float in the Portola Centennial Festival, San Francisco, on October 17, under the name of "It's May Day in Los Banos." The May Day committee has contributed $100.00 toward the cost of this float, and the remaining $400.00 will be paid by the Chamber.
Kenneth Anderson, Chamber president, expressed his appreciation for the work done by Ralph Bove and his fellow workers in the preparation and presentation of the Los Banos community booth at the Merced District Fair, and stated that a total of $175.00 in prizes was realized from the booth. The cost of the booth was underwritten by the Chamber and Bove was persuaded to take over the more or less thankless job of handling it. All expenses in connection with the booth have not as yet been turned in, but Mike Dambrosio, Chamber secretary, states his belief that the project will be nearly self supporting in view of the substantial prize money received.
The directors spent another $25.00 Monday night, subscribing a membership to the Central Valley Empire Association.
October 1, 1948