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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Craner is Speaker At Rotary Club

Art Craner, publicity director of the May Day Celebration, was guest speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon Tuesday. He briefly outlined plans for the celebration this year, and told of the growth of the affair since its revival ten years ago. Then, Craner reminded his listeners, pessimists predicted that they would not be able to hold the celebration because of abnormal rainfall and floods which had caused heavy damage to local ranchers. This year the same pessimists are saying that the celebration cannot be successful because of the extreme drought. Craner said he personally believed the celebration this year will surpass any previous performance. Evidence of this, he said, is the advance interest being shown by out-of-town parade entrants. A large number of entries, he said, have already been received.

Craner also touched briefly on the Spring Fair which is held in connection with May Day, and said that last year it was rated as the Number Two show in the state. He explained the origin and scope of funds from the pari-mutuel tracks and stated Los Banos' share of these funds should enable the local fair directors to provide a $300,000 fair plant here within the next five years.
The speaker was introduced by Judge D. Oliver Germino, secretary of the Los Banos Fair Association, who praised Craner's work as publicity director, and for his unusual ability in securing statewide pulblicity for Los Banos in connection with the celebration.

The Rotary Club voted to accept the invitation of the Lions Club to join with them and the 20-30 Club in tendering a dinner to the grammar and high school basketball squads on the evening of March 30.

March 9, 1948

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