Banos Rotary Club History
Daily Shows Slides Of Mountain Area
Rev. Sherwood Daily, pastor of the local Methodist Church, took fellow Rotarians out of the heat wave for a half-hour Tuesday noon as he showed colored slides of the snow-covered Evolution Creek area, one of the most scenic regions of the upper San Joaquin River watershed.
Accompanying the showing with brief commentary of each scene, Daily explained the pictures were taken in July two years ago while on a pack trip with several friends. They went by pack mule from Florence Lake following the creek into its upper reaches through Evolution Valley and on to Goddard Creek, which was still covered with snow in many places.
Included in the scenes were numerous close-up color photos of strikingly beautiful mountain flowers captured on film with exceptional sharpness of detail and true color fineness.
Daily, who is not only an expert with the camera but does all of his own film developing, also showed numerous color slides of ducks and geese, taken at the Los Banos Refuge late last fall. Well hidden in a blind on Buttonwillow Lake, Daily related how the birds began flocking into the lake from neighboring marshes almost immediately after the day's first shooting began, and continued until a large portion of the lake was well covered with birds. Most striking were several shots taken across the lake, which included several thousand snow geese, some resting on the lake, others circling in the air above as they were gliding in for a landing on the water.
Previous to the program by Mr. Daily, Rotary President Otto Zentner officially accepted from the Yosemite Area Boy Scout Council the Boy Scout charter for Troop 85, which is sponsored here by Rotary, Frank Orr, Scout representative to the club, pointed out that this was the 30th birthday for Troop 85 in Los Banos. He called attention to the troop's present activity and praised Scoutmaster Bill Hurley for the job he is doing with the boys.
Zentner also presented certificates and pins to members of the club who have been especially active in support of the Scout Troop, including Bill Solis, Alwin Fittje, Ernest Petrocelli and Chas Kaljian.
It was the closing meeting of the Rotary year for Zentner, who next week will turn the president's gavel and authority over to Ed Evans, local Bank of America manager.
June 28, 1957