Banos Rotary Club History
District Governor Is Rotary Visitor
Dr. Horace Dormody, of Carmel, district governor of Rotary Clubs in this area, paid his official visit to the Los Banos club last week. He was honored at a breakfast with President Ned B. Dickson and other directors that morning, met later with the officers and committee chairmen in a seasonal review of the club's activities.
At the regular noon luncheon the District Governor complimented the club on its community activity program and spoke generally of Rotary matters throughout the 108 countries in which the organization is represented.
Previous to his service talk the governor conducted indoctrination ceremonies for two of the local club's newest members, Joe Summers and Guido Balatti, presenting them with the official Rotary code of ethics and advising them of their duties and obligations to the club.
November 8, 1957