Banos Rotary Club History
Football Dinner Next Tuesday
The Rotary Club's annual banquet honoring members of the high school football team will be held next Tuesday at the Masonic Temple, starting at 7 p.m. The dinner, which normally is held soon after the close of the FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed. Phone over the Christmas holidays this year because of inability to secure the desired program.
The dinner, which has been an annual event with Rotary for several years, is for all members of the football squad. All graduating members of the team are presented miniature golf footballs as a small token of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the school and town.
Rotary Club President R. Lindemann has appointed a committee of D. Oliver Germino, Ralph Cargile, L. J. Spindt, Kenneth Anderson, Ralph Brownscombe, and J. A. Enos to handle the program, with Jerome Cyr and Jack Duarte in charge of the dinner.
All regular Rotary business will be dispensed with for the evening, except for scheduled annual election procedure, which must be handled at that time.
President Lindemann urges that all members of the club be present Tuesday evening.
January 16, 1948