Banos Rotary Club History
Hunter Tells Of 82nd Congress
A thumb nail report on what has been going on in Washington, D. C., the past few months was given to members of the Los Banos Rotary and Lions clubs Tuesday by Oakley Hunter of Fresno, U.S. Congressman from this district, who has just returned home from the nation's capital after representing this district at the first session of the 82nd Congress.
Most accomplishments of the recent 10-month session, Hunter reported, were concerned primarily with support for military programs and defense. Nothing was spared to rebuild United States strength, Congress even favoring Air Force expansion beyond the request of the President; and approval was given to the largest single Defense Department appropritation bill ever to be presented in peacetime. The Air Force received some $20 billion, the Army nearly $20 billion, and the Navy nearly $16 billion, for a total of $57 billion.
Hunter said he voted for the military appropriation because he believes the United States must stay militarily stronger than the Communists – and the money must be spent to accomplish that goal.
Foreign aid, too, was approved on a vast scale, Hunter said, with a total of $7 ½ billion authorized for our allies abroad to build up their defenses and improve their economies. He added, however, that it is believed Americans have done far more than their share in the mutual defense program.
Hunter said he was one of those who opposed the appointment of Philip Jessup as Ambassador-at-Large, because of his belief that Jessup's thinking and judgment are not in the best interests of our country. As an example, he said Jessup was one of those favoring recognition of the Chinese Communists and for contributing to the failure of our Far Eastern policy.
In a more personal vein, Hunter told of his pleasure in meeting and learning to know Sam Rayburn, a member of the House from Texas, and Speaker of the House since 1940, with the exception of the Republican-controlled Congress of 1947-1948. He praised Rayburn as honest, dignified and capable and said he is held in high esteem by all who know him.
Hunter was introduced at both the Rotary and Lions by Elge Mastrangelo, local businessman and city councilman.
November 9, 1951