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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Kenny Anderson Tells Highlights Of Tour

Kenneth Anderson, local farm implement dealer and past president of the Los Banos Rotary Club, last Tues. noon gave fellow members an interesting report of a two-month European tour, from which he and Mrs. Anderson have just returned. He also showed color movies of the first part of the tour, which included the pyramids of Egypt, Nile river and valley, some exceptional shots of the famed Egyptian tombs, and of a picture painted about 5,000 years ago; also of Jerusalem, with its ancient walls, churches, mosques, and picturesque shots of the people in their routine everyday life.

Ken accompanied the film showing with a verbal description of the countries visited, and his impressions gained as he saw and talked with them.
The latter part of their trip was spent in Italy, and especially in the northern area near the Swiss border. He also has a lot of movie film taken of that area, and said it was by far the most impressive part of their travels. Lack of time, however, prevented the showing of that film Tuesday. Anderson said he took more than 60 rolls of film during their two months overseas.

August 30, 1955

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