Banos Rotary Club History
Kinsley Tells Of Radio Progress
Charles Kinsley, general manager or the Merced radio stations KYOS, was guest speaker at the Rotary Club Tuesday noon, giving a report of new radio developments both from standpoint of regular broadcasting and of radar and other equipment.
Of broadcasting service, Kinsley first discounted the hope of valley residents that television would soon be as common in the valley as it now is in the San Francesco and Los Angeles areas. The widely publicized television relay system running along the western side of the valley, he explained, is of no immediate benefit to valley residents as the relay broadcast is only of the video wave, is of a different wave length, and is directionally beamed to a very minute degree. Until such time as a large television station is erected at either Stockton or Fresno, valley television fans will be limited to the extent that they can pick up the present programs from San Francisco.
Discussing AM and FM broadcasting facilities, Kinsley said recent improvements in AM broadcasting are such there is now little or no difference between the two as far as reception is concerned, and for this reason the previous advantages of FM no longer exist to any appreciable degree.
Kinsley spoke briefly of new radio developments in other fields primarily the military, where radar has become an all important instrument of war.
The speaker was introduced by Rod O'Harra, Los Banos, who has charge of the "Radio Los Banos program over KYOS.
President Louis Castellucci announced plans for a joint Gustine-Los Banos Rotary party, to be held in Gustine October 2 and for a local entertainment feature to be held here October 26.
September 19, 1950