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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Rocco Pernetti Tells Of Japan

Rocco Pernetti, local post office clerk who recently returned home from a ten-month all-expense past vacation trip to Japan as one of Uncle Sam's favored Sergeants, Tuesday noon gave members of the Rotary Club some of his impressions of Japan and the Japanese people.

Since returning home, Pernetti said, he has been frequently asked how the Japanese feel toward General MacArthur, how the country is progressing under the present democratic form of government, and their attitude toward the United States.

As to the people themselves, Pernetti described them as physically strong, good workers, and with a genuine friendship toward the United States. When MacArthur took over at the end of the war the country was prostrate, befuddled, discouraged and demoralized. Under American guidance, and financial assistance, the country is fast returning to normalcy; industry is back on its feet, and the nation looks to America as a true friend. As an example of this friendship, Pernetti pointed out that "Blood for the Korean War," campaigns in Japan are outstandingly successful. The Japanese stand in line by the thousands to give their blood for the American soldiers in Korea.
As to their regard for democratic government, Pernetti said it is adequately demonstrated by the fact that in the national election last June, 92 per cent of the people went to the polls and elected—a far greater turnout than ever registered at an election in this country.

February 27, 1952

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