Banos Rotary Club History
Rotarians Will Host District Governor
The Rotary Club of Los Banos will be host to Dr. Ernest F. Soderstrom, Governor of the 158 District of Rotary International, as he makes his official visit to the local club next Monday and Tuesday.
He will meet with Rotary President Otto R. Zentner and fellow officers Monday evening and will address the club membership at the luncheon meeting Tuesday.
Dr. Soderstrom, a native of California, has practiced in Modesto since his graduation from the University of California with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. He is a member and past president of the Modesto Rotary Club. He was elected as District Governor of Rotary at the annual convention last June. He is one of 248 District Governors supervising the activities of more than 9,100 Rotary Clubs which have a membership of 431,000 business and professional executives in 99 countries throughout the free world.
September 21, 1956