Los Banos Rotary Club
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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Rotary President

Otto R. Zentner, local farm equipment dealer, took over the presidency of the Rotary Club Tuesday noon to serve a term of one year. He succeeds Frank A. Merrick, who has headed the service club for the past year.

Other club officers include Charles Alden, secretary; Ned Dickson, treasurer; and Ernest Petrocelli, sergeant at arms. The board of directors includes Dickson, Edward Evans, Mike Dambrosio, Stanley Kaber, Kenneth Smith and Pat C. Mastro.

Zentner and his family have resided in Los Banos since 1935, when he opened a branch of the Valley Tractor and Equipment Co. here. In 1943 he accepted the Los Banos and Gustine dealerships for International Harvester Co., later selling the Gustine unit. He built and opened his present modern sales and service plant on Highway 152 in 1950.

Zentner is a member of the Los Banos Farm Bureau, the Masonic, Scottish Rite and Eastern Star lodges, is a member of the local Methodist Church, and s now serving his third term as Central district lay leader for the church.
The Zentners have two sons, Gordon, now an engineer with Shell Oil Co., Long Beach; and Kenneth, who was graduated last month from Stanford University and is working here with his father this summer. He plans to do post graduate work at Stanford this fall.

July 1956

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