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Rotary Speaker Tells Of England

John Dunkley, who came from London, England, several years ago to accept a position as printer with the Bryars Printing Co in Merced, was guest speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon Tuesday noon. He spoke generally of England and the English people particularly during the war years and since.
Outlining the basic reasons for the rise of socialism in that country, Dunkley emphasized the difference between socialism and capitalism and outlined the basic causes that saw the decline of the conservative party and rise of socialism in the last few years. Government management of coal mines, railroads, aviation facilities and other industries, he said, was inevitable in that country, largely because private industry had permitted equipment and facilities to deteriorate to such an extent that continued operation without government aid was impossible.

Dunkley praised the American lend-lease program, particularly as it applied to the furnishing of nourishing foods to the children. This contribution, he stated, is credited with reducing the mortality rate of English children as much as 50 per cent.

As to the effect of the recent devaluation of the English pound. Dunkley said it is much too early to judge the result, but said the general reaction among British people is that it will be beneficial in England's struggle for existence in world trade.

September 20, 1949

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