Banos Rotary Club History
Talented Musician Entertains Rotarians
An exceptionally fine musical program was presented to the Rotary Club Tuesday of last week by Miss Rasma Reckshans of San Francisco. Playing a variety of selections from Back, Schubert and Chopin, Miss Reckshans won repeated ovations from the group, with a standing round of applause at the conclusion for the outstanding performance.
The pianist is a native of Rega, Latvia, and came to this country with her parents six years ago as a war refugee. She studied piano for four years under Mrs. Mary Ellen Neil of Turlock and for the past two years has been a student at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, working for her bachelors degree. She has participated in numerous music festivals throughout the state, won a statewide contest in piano two years ago, and has appeared as featured soloist with the Symphony Orchestra of Modesto.
Her appearance here was arranged by Manuel Calderon, local dry cleaning proprietor, through his good friend, Mrs. Neil in Turlock.
October 27, 1957