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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Tells Of Trip To Washington D.C.

Charles Kaljian, who made a hurried airplane trip to Washington, D.C., last week in connection with a hearing before the Civil Aeronautics Authority, told fellow members of the Rotary Club about his trip at the club luncheon Tuesday noon. Kaljian made the trip on behalf of Southwest Airways, who are seeking to establish additional airplane service to cities in the San Joaquin valley.
Kaljian said the stay in Washington was both enjoyable and educational, but that he did not enjoy the airplane ride too much because of very rough weather.

Preceding his talk, Kaljian officially welcomed into the club four new members, George Ingham, Dr. Kenneth Powers, Manuel Calderon and Norman Vogt. He presented each with a framed copy of the Rotary Code of Ethics and explained briefly the policies and ideals upon which the service club is planned.

George Nickel, program chairman for the month, explained plans for a Christmas party next Tuesday noon, at which each member will bring a children's gift or toy, to cost not more than $2, for some other member. After the luncheon, the gifts will be gathered up and later distributed to children of needy families in the community.

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