Banos Rotary Club History
United Nations Program At Rotary
On October 24, 1945, the United Nations Charter came into force as world law, expressing the mandate of the peoples of the world that there shall be peace.
At the Rotary Club luncheon Tuesday noon, L. J. Spindt, principal of the Los Banos high school, reviewed activities of the United Nations in its five years of existence, and analyzed its possibilities as a continued force for peace in the world.
Though Russia has been able to block the U.N. efforts of its Security Council, Atomic Energy Commission, Military Staff and Commission on Armament, the cooperating nations have accomplished a tremendous job from an economic and social standpoint. This, Spindt emphasized is highly important, because the history of wars is mostly one of economics rather than political.
Commenting on the Charter's veto power provision, Spindt pointed out that this provision was inserted in the Charter at the insistence of the United States, though it was heartily agreed to by Soviet Russia. Russia, of course, has used its veto power many times to block U.N. actions; the United States has not as yet resorted to such use.
Concluding, Spindt emphasized that the salvation of this country, and of the world, is to maintain behind our diplomatic force sufficient armed strength so that our diplomats will be listened to. The building up and maintenance of our armed forces, Spindt declared, will naturally entail heavy taxes and will reduce our standard of living somewhat; but without potent armed strength we have no alternative but to be 'kicked around" by aggressive world powers.
October 17, 1950