Los Banos Rotary Club History
Rotarians Have Joint Dinner
The Lions and Rotary
Clubs met at a joint dinner Tuesday evening at the Masonic Temple as a preliminary
feature of the annual all-star softball classic between the two clubs. Rotary’s
past president, R. L. Puccinelli opened the meeting and toastmastered the affair,
with Lion President Sam Spina officiating.
The feature attraction of
the program, a motion picture of the last World Series, fizzed out when camera
technicians R. M. Miano and L. J. Spindt failed in their attempt to operate the
Booby prize for the evening went to a double quartet of four
Rotary and four Lion songsters who waded bravely but discordantly through “Let
Me Call You Sweetheart” and “My Wild Irish Rose.” The song birds
included C. R. Pryor, Joe Ebner, Ray McCauley and Dick Durrett of the Lions; Newt
Olson, F. E. Buck, W. N. Galloway and J. L. Toscano of Rotary.
24, 1947