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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Monterey Judge Cites Speeding as Prime Danger

Judge Ray Baugh, who as justice of the peace at Monterey for the last 20 years, has been faced with an endless array of traffic deaths and injuries, told members of the Los Banos Rotary Club Tuesday noon that today, speed and carelessness among auto drivers are increasing at an alarming rate and that drastic measures must be adopted immediately if we are to gain control of the traffic accident problem.

“Frankly,” Judge Baugh declared “there is but one answer –and it is simple. Take the handcuffs off present highway patrolmen by again permitting them the use of speed traps, and increase the number of patrolmen to the point necessary to achieve control. Expensive? So what? We spent billions to kill those whom we hated; is it not fitting that we spend at least a million to protect those we love!”

Judge Baugh also advocated that the state abandon the circus colored patrol cars and put the patrolmen on the road in cars without special markings or color. He said that his experience was that the only deterrent to high speed by some motorists is the fear of apprehension. Creation of speed traps, plus the knowledge that any following car might be a state patrolman, will slow such motorists down to a point where they will not be a constant hazard to other motorists on the road.

Commenting on the futility of high speed, Judge Baugh pointed out that in driving from Monterey to Los Banos there is less than 15 minutes difference in traveling at break-neck speed and traveling at a safe, sane speed of 50 miles an hour. “It’s surprising,” the judge said, “how far a person can travel in a day at only 50 miles an hour.”
Following his plea for sane highway driving, Judge Baugh entertained the group with several highly humorous stories that were greatly enjoyed.

Ladies’ Night

President Bert Loosmore announced that a special Ladies’ Night program is scheduled for Thursday evening, Nov. 14, and that there will be no noon luncheon on Tuesday. The evening program will start promptly at 7:00 o’clock.

November 5, 1946


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