Banos Rotary Club History
Parents Urged To
Set Example As Safe Drivers
Stressing the fact
that highway accidents are increasing at an alarming rate, Highway Patrolman Wayne
Langston Tuesday noon told members of the Los Banos Rotary Club that this increasing
number of accidents is not necessarily because of the increased number of cars
on the highway, but is largely because of a general laxness and carelessness on
the part of today’s drivers.
This attitude, Langston said, is bad
enough in itself, but has a more potent and far-reaching effect in that it is
molding the shape of tomorrow’s drivers “We know,” Langston
said, “that the children of today are the drivers of tomorrow. The manner
in which they will handle their cars will largely be determined by the example
that is set for them right now by their own parents. A father who operates his
car in a careless or negligent manner can expect little else from his son when
he takes the wheel a few years from now. You can’t expect your children
to do other than follow the example you yourself set for them.”
Langston said that 35 persons were killed last year on Merced county highways
alone-an increase of 16 over the year of 1944. In 1942, Langston said, more Americans
were killed on the highways in this country than were killed on both battlefronts
during the first 2 ½ years following Pearl Harbor.
Commenting on the
increasing number of youthful drivers that are today permitted use of the family
automobile, Langston warned parents that under no circumstances should they permit
their children to drive on the highway without first obtaining a valid operator’s
license. The State Highway Department considers this offense second in importance
only to the offense of reckless driving and is punishable by a maximum fine of
$250, or 90 days in jail, or both.
Concluding, Langston said that the
Highway Department is doing everything in its power to curb highway accidents,
but that in the final analysis it depends upon the individual driver to exert
increased care and caution in his driving—both for his own safety and as
insurance that his children will, in later years, tend to follow any example that
he might now be setting before them.
January 8, 1946